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Officers Club

Combined Maritime Societies' Annual Dinner & 80th Anniversary of the Battle of the River Plate Commemoration Dinner

Fri, 13 Dec 2019
19:00 - 23:00

9th Annual Christmas Dinner of the Combined Maritime Societies, and Commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of the Battle of the River Plate

To be held at the Northern Club - 19 Princes Street, Auckland on Friday13th December 2019 at 1830 for piping-in and pre-dinner drinks, followed by the welcoming address and dining at 1900

*Presided over by Dr the Honourable Richard Worth, OBE, KStJ, VRD, Captain (Rtd) RNZNVR

*Guest of Honour: Rear Admiral David Ledson, ONZM, CRSNZ, RNZN

Participating Institutions:

The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, The NZ Company of Master Mariners, The Nautical Institute, The Royal Institution of Naval Architects, The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology, The Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand, The Worshipful Company of Shipwrights, The International Institute of Marine Surveying, The Officers’ Club of Auckland, and Officers of the RNZN and the RNZNVR.

Cost:      $85 per member/spouse; $105 per member’s guest – includes pre-dinner drinks, and 3-course dinner with excellent house wines.

Please deposit your payment with your last name as a reference into bank account 02-0108-0216006-02.

Dress:   Black Tie preferred (Dinner Suit or Mess Kit*) or lounge suit.

* Retired and reserve officers have permission from CN to wear mess dress.

* Permission not required for MN officers non-livery mess dress.

Registration:      RSVP to: CDR Beryl Oldham (Rtd) ph. 027 612 3649 by Thursday 5th December with the name of each person attending, to assist with seat allocations.

Payment: By arrangement on registration.

Organiser: Ted Ewbank, ph 021 980 906

The Northern Club
19 Princes St, Auckland CBD, Auckland 1010, New Zealand

19 Princes Street , Auckland, Auckland, 1010, New Zealand